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Gallatin County Commission Minutes September 13, 2005
Description Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. September 13, 2005
Date 09/13/2005 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:04:45 AM Chairman Murdock Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Murdock, Skinner and Vincent, Deputy County Attorney Dinwiddie and Acting Clerk to the Board Mary Miller.
9:05:34 AM Chairman Murdock There was no public comment on any matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:06:00 AM Commissioner Skinner Read the consent agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims 2. Approval of County Commission Public Meeting Minutes for August 30th, and 31st, 2005 3. Request/Decision for a Mortgage Survey for Ronald and Janice Bos 4. Request/Decision for a Common Boundary Relocation for Frank Norman 5. Public Hearing and Consideration of Request for Final Plat approval for the Amended Plat of Minor Subdivision No. 35A, Lot 4 6. Approval of Contract(s): Eric Campbell-RID 331 Water Sampling: B&C Telephone, Inc; Library Services with City of Belgrade; Library Services with City of Bozeman; Snowmobile Lease Agreement- Jerry Enterprises dba Yellowstone Adventures; and Terrell's Office Machines, Inc.
9:07:30 AM   There was no public comment.
9:07:40 AM Commissioner Vincent Move adoption of the consent agenda.
9:07:43 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:07:46 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:07:50 AM Chairman Murdock Bid Opening for 2005 Kelly Canyon Road Guardrail Project
9:08:14 AM Gallatin County Road & Bridge Superintendent Lee Provance Opened one bid from OMO Construction, totaling $23,324.85. Took under advisement and will return September 14, 2005, with recommendation.  
9:09:10 AM   There was no public comment.
9:09:16 AM   No action taken.
9:09:18 AM Chairman Murdock Public Hearing and Consideration of Request for Improvements Agreement for Holland Minor Subdivision
9:09:27 AM County Planner Christopher Scott Staff report
9:10:57 AM   There was no public comment.
9:11:03 AM Commissioner Skinner Based on the recommendation of the County Attorney's office, I would move to approve the Improvements Agreement for Holland Minor Subdivision.
9:11:14 AM Commissioner Vincent Second
9:11:20 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:11:25 AM Chairman Murdock Public Hearing and Consideration of Request for Final Plat Approval for Holland Minor Subdivision
9:11:31 AM County Planner Christopher Scott Staff report
9:12:41 AM   There was no public comment.
9:12:46 AM Commissioner Vincent Based on the testimony of Mr. Scott and finding that the conditions of preliminary plat approval have been met, consistent with 76-3-611, review of final plat, I move that we grant final plat approval to the Holland Minor Subdivision.
9:13:07 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:13:14 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:13:20 AM Chairman Murdock Public Hearing and Consideration of a Resolution to Amend the Belgrade Area Plan Future Land Use Map for Jim Paugh
9:13:37 AM Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp Presentation
9:16:40 AM Jim Paugh Applicant presentation, submitted written copy of testimony labeled Exhibit A, Item 4.
9:19:07 AM Public comment Mike Gaffke
9:20:14 AM Commissioner Vincent Based on public testimony from the applicant and others and finding that we have considered this as a resolution of intent previously, and finding that there is no stated opposition to this change, I move that we adopt Resolution #2005-138, a resolution to adopt amendments to the Belgrade Area Plan Future Land Use Map.
9:20:45 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:20:51 AM   Board discussion
9:23:45 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:24:11 AM   There were no Pending Resolutions .
9:24:17 AM   Meeting adjourned.